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Your complete guide to discovering Sidr and its benefits for the body, public health and the environment

Sidr advantages:

The Sidr tree is considered to be one of the most beneficial trees for man. First we will get to know the Sidr tree:

The benefits of sidr leaf - For Your Eyes

  • First: It is a large tree that stretches several meters in length.
  • Second: The fruits of the tree are small in size and are considered one of the most important saturated sources of minerals.
  • Third: The leaves and bark of the tree have many benefits.
  • Fourth: Its wood is considered one of the best woods. Where he used the husks of his trunk or sawdust in the treatment of ulcers in the intestines.
  • Fifth: From its flowers, a honey of high nutritional value is produced, called Sidr honey. Sidr honey is considered the most expensive type of wild honey.
  • Sixth: Sidr seeds, if crushed and placed on the fracture in the body, it actually helps to repair it.
  • Seventh: Sidr was used by the ancient Egyptians to embalm the dead.
  • Eighth: Sidr has a great place in Islam, as it has been specifically mentioned in the Holy Quran in Surah Al-Najm, where God Almighty said: In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful ( At Sidrat Al-Muntaha, it is the Garden of Refuge, when the great darkness covers the darkness)

It was also mentioned in the Sunnah of the Prophet; Al-Bayhaqi narrated with an authentic chain of narrators on the authority of Lady Aisha, on the authority of the Messenger of God, may the prayers and peace of God be upon him, who said: "Those who cut the sidr will pour fire on their heads in the morning."

The nutritional value of Sidr:

This sidr (jujube) powder comes from Yemen. Sidr is a powder for beauty care.
Breast contains many important nutrients for the body; As 100 grams of Sidr fruits have good proportions of carbohydrates, proteins and a very low percentage of fats, and also contain large amounts of some minerals such as calcium, sulfur, potassium, magnesium, and on the contrary , it contains small percentages of copper, zinc, iron, manganese and sodium.

Health Benefits of Sidr for the Body:

Jujube: presentation of the fruit, health benefits
Sidr has many benefits for the human body, the most important of which are:

1- Sidr helps treat stomach disorders, such as heartburn and constipation, in addition to severe stomach aches.
2- Ground sidr or its leaves treats and removes eye infections.
3- It also helps Sidr fruits when included in diet to reduce body weight.
4- Sidr leaves help the skin treat allergies, and also reduce irritations that affect it, particularly cases of eczema; Some studies have shown that Sidr leaves have an important role in treating eczema and the resulting itching.

Benefits of Sidr for the skin - Benefits of Sidr

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5- This also relieves Sidr leaves from some of the pains that affect the joints and muscles; Sidr is a very good pain reliever.
6- Sidr leaves treat nervousness, in addition to relieving headaches; It is already used as an effective sedative.
7- Ground Sidr is used to treat gum problems, and it also relieves dental pain.
8- The Sidr plant reduces chest pain, in addition to asthma, and various other chest problems.
9- Sidr leaves treat high blood pressure, in addition to their effectiveness in stimulating and purifying the blood.
10- The Sidr plant is used in the treatment of wounds, skin burns and scars, in addition to its contribution to splint fractures as I mentioned earlier.
11- Sidr helps in expelling and getting rid of fever, and also helps in treating measles.

The benefits of Sidr are not limited only to the body, but it has many aesthetic benefits for the following hair:

Benefits of Sidr for hair:

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A- Sidr leaves reduce dandruff and the resulting itching. Dandruff is one of the most common hair problems.

B – Sidr plant reduces curls in the hair, reduces its split ends and works to treat the problem of hair damage.

C- Sidr also works to give strength to hair by strengthening hair roots and their weak follicles, as well as making them more vibrant and healthy.

D- It also gives the hair beauty, luster and luster, and also works to increase its density.

E- Sidr helps strengthen hair follicles from their roots to their tips so that hair becomes more voluminous and dense.

Benefits of Sidr for hair - Benefits of Sidr:

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As Sidr has benefits for the human body and hair, it also has benefits for the environment.

Environmental benefits of Sidr:

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1- Sidr trees help prevent soil erosion and reduce the intensity and force of winds.
2- Some people plant Sidr trees for street decoration.
3- It's just like there is a type of bee that feeds on the flowers of Sidr trees, and certainly produces a honey called "Sidr honey", which is considered one of the most expensive types of honey.

Sidr honey - the benefits of Sidr honey

Jujube honey Yemen sidr Maliki: Yemeni gold | Honeys | Hangar 212

4- The leaves of the Sidr tree also contain coloring materials which were previously used to dye clothes.
5- As for the wood of the Sidr tree, it is very strong, and its quality is good, which has made it used in the furniture industry.

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