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Centaurée Petite Ras el Haya, Marrarat el henche, Centaurium erythraea

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Presentation of the Small Centaurea

Centaurea is a small, bitter-tasting plant that grows naturally in sand dunes and rocks. It is so named because of the difficulties snakes encounter when trying to shed their skin by rubbing against it. It is widely used in medicine and is sometimes called the “Herb of a Thousand Virtues”.

  • Botanical family: Gentianaceae
  • Scientific name : Centaurium erythraea Rafn
  • Common names: Small Centaury, Blessed Thistle, Alpine Thistle, Small Centaury

Botanical description of the Small Centaurea

The Small Centaurea is a herbaceous plant, sometimes annual, sometimes biennial or perennial, measuring 20 to 40 cm in height.

  • Very : The stem is erect, slightly streaked, and ends in a brush-shaped inflorescence composed of pink or bright red flowers.
  • The leaves are opposite, oval, not toothed, and vary in shape from circular to subacute.
  • The base leaves are arranged in a rosette, while the leaves of the stem are more spaced apart.

Small Centaurea Flowers

The flowers of the Small Centaurea have a corolla with five petals, including:

  • A calyx 5 to 7 mm long.
  • A pink funnel-shaped crown 17 to 20 mm in length.
  • Stamens located at the upper part of the corolla tube.
  • A superior pistil.
  • A slender style.

The flowering period is from May to August, with pink, red or white flowers that close in the afternoon and open again in the morning. The flowers are harvested in May and dried to retain their color.

Origin and distribution of the Small Centaurea

The Little Knapweed is native to the Mediterranean regions, Iran and Turkey, and it is also found throughout the UK, although it is rare in Scotland.

Used parts of the Small Centaurea

All aerial parts of the plant, including the stem, leaves and flowers, are used for medicinal and folk purposes. They can be prepared as an infusion, decoction or powder from the dried parts.

Chemical components of Centaury

Centaury contains many chemical components, the main ones of which are:

  • Secoiridoids:
    • Sweroside
    • Swértiamarine
  • Xanthones :
    • Bellidifoline
  • Alkaloids:
    • Genteopicroside
    • Gentianine


The benefits of Centaurea Small

Among the main medical benefits of Centaury, we can cite:

  1. Stimulates the appetite by increasing secretion gastric juices and saliva.
  2. Used to treat digestion problems, notably dyspepsia.
  3. Has properties anti-inflammatories.
  4. Acts like a antipyretic to reduce fever.
  5. Popularly used to treat kidney stones.
  6. Its infusion is applied to the wounds to treat them.
  7. Relieved bloating and expels intestinal worms.
  8. Treat them skin ulcerations, wounds and local inflammations.
  9. Fights lice and can even help prevent hair loss.
  10. Stimulate him pancreas and can be used to treat type 2 diabetes.
  11. Used for the treatment of scorpion and snake bites.


Uses of Small Centaury

Cosmetic Uses

  1. Centaury is used in cosmetic products because of its skin firming properties.
  2. It is also added to chemically prepared hair dyes.

Other uses

Due to the beauty of its flowers, the Small Centaurea is often used for decorative purposes in vases to beautify homes.

Use of Centaury in Arabic medicine

Ibn al-Baytar mentions that the leaves, flowers and roots of the Little Centaury are used medicinally. It reports the following uses:

  • Fresh leaves are used to heal wounds.
  • Mixing dry parts of the plant with ointments treats hemorrhoids.
  • Applying a decoction of the plant with honey is beneficial for the eyes.
  • It is useful for the liver and spleen.
  • It is used to treat epilepsy.
  • Drops extracted from the plant relieve tinnitus.
  • Mixing Centaury with oil eliminates lice.
  • By cooking it in any oil until evaporated,
  • It strengthens the body.



It is not recommended to use Centaurea Petite:

  • In pregnant women,
  • Breastfeeding women,
  • Young children,
  • People suffering from gastric ulcers,

Despite its benefits, it is important not to overuse it, especially for people with gastric or intestinal ulcers due to its powerful chemical components.


FAQ: Presentation of the Small Centaurea

1. What is the Small Centaurea?

Centaurea is a small, bitter-tasting plant that grows naturally in sand dunes and rocks. It is widely used in medicine and is sometimes called the “Herb of a Thousand Virtues”.

2. What is its botanical family and its scientific name?

The Small Centaurea belongs to the botanical family Gentianaceae and has the scientific name Centaurium erythraea Rafn.

3. What are the common names for Little Centaurea?

It is also known by the common names of Small Centaury, Blessed Thistle, Alpine Thistle and Small Centaury.

4. Can you give me a botanical description of the plant?

Of course, the Small Centaurea is a herbaceous plant which can sometimes be annual, biennial or perennial. It generally measures 20 to 40 cm in height. Its stem is erect, slightly streaked, and it bears a brush-shaped inflorescence composed of pink or bright red flowers. Its leaves are opposite, oval, not toothed, and they vary in shape from circular to subacute. The base leaves are arranged in a rosette, while the stem leaves are spaced more widely apart.

5. What are the characteristics of the flowers of the Small Centaurea?

The flowers of the Centaurea Petite have a corolla with five petals, including a calyx 5 to 7 mm long, a pink funnel-shaped crown 17 to 20 mm long, stamens located at the upper part of the tube the corolla, an upper pistil, and a filiform style. They generally flower from May to August.

6. Where does the Little Centaury come from and where is it found?

The Small Centaurea is native to the Mediterranean regions, Iran and Turkey. It is also found throughout the UK, although it is rare in Scotland.

7. What parts of the Centaurea are used for medicinal and popular purposes?

All aerial parts of the plant, including the stem, leaves and flowers, are used for medicinal and folk purposes. They can be prepared as an infusion, decoction or powder from the dried parts.

8. Can you give me information on the chemical components of Centaury?

Knapweed contains various chemical components, including secoiridoids such as sweroside and swertiamarin, xanthones such as bellidifolin, and alkaloids including genteopicroside and gentianin.

9. What are the main medical benefits of Centaury?

Centaurea offers many benefits, including stimulating the appetite, treating digestive problems such as dyspepsia, having anti-inflammatory properties, acting as an antipyretic to lower fever, treating kidney stones, helping to treat wounds through its infusion, relieving bloating, treating skin ulcerations, fighting lice, stimulating the pancreas and helping in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. It is also used for the treatment of scorpion and snake stings.

10. How is Centaury used outside of medicine?

Outside of medicine, Centaury is used in cosmetic products because of its skin firming properties. It is also added to chemically prepared hair dyes and is often used for decorative purposes in vases to beautify homes due to the beauty of its flowers.

11. Are there any precautions to take when using Centaurea Petite?

Yes, it is not recommended to use Centaurea Petite in pregnant women, breastfeeding women, young children and people suffering from gastric ulcers. Despite its benefits, it is important not to overuse it, especially for people with gastric or intestinal ulcers due to its powerful chemical components.

I hope these answers have been helpful to you in better understanding Small Centaurea and its uses.


Centaurea Petite Ras el Haya, marrarat el henche: Discover the health benefits and uses of the Blessed Thistle plant, Centaurium erythraea,  common centaury, Herb of a Thousand Remedies, Knapweed, Herb of a Thousand Virtues, Botanical family Gentianaceae, Scientific name Centaurium erythraea Rafn, Common names, Botanical description, Flowers of the Centaury, Origin, Distribution, Parts used, Chemical components, Medical benefits , Stimulates appetite, Digestion problems, Anti-inflammatory properties, Antipyretic, Kidney stones, Sores, Bloating, Skin ulcerations, Fight against lice, Pancreas, Type 2 diabetes, Scorpion stings, Snake bites, Cosmetic uses, Firming for the skin, Hair dyes, Decorative uses, Little knapweed, Blessed thistle, Alpine thistle, Centaurium erythraea (scientific name), Common knapweed, Herb of a Thousand Virtues, Red knapweed, Cornflower herb, الأفعى , عشبة القنطريون الصغير , نبات مرارة الحنش

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